Difficulties can arise if a person has not signed Power of Attorney documents or if a person passes away without having made a Will (or if his/her Will is not up to date). We can provide advice on Learn More…
We can advise you if a Family Trust is an appropiate way for you to protect your assets. Recent changes to the rules relating to Gift Duty needs to be considered when transferring assets into a Family Trust Learn More…
Family Law and Relationship Property matters can be complex and difficult to resolve. By Providing timely and pragmatic advice we can assist you on matters such as separation, custody and access disputes Learn More…
We can assist you in all types of property law including buying and selling residential, rural or commercial property, subdivisions, refinancing, leasing and landlord and tenant advice Learn More…
We can provide advice in all aspects of commercial law including, formation of companies, Shareholders and Partnership Agreements, Agreements for Sale and Purchase of Shares, Learn More…
Greg Trainor specialises in litigation and can provide advice with respect to all civil matters(including insurance matters and debt recovery), defending criminal and traffic prosecutions Learn More…
Phone: 03 379 1238
Fax: 03 366 4111
Email: info@macleanassociates.co.nz
PO BOX 80097, Christchurch 8440
Level 5, Harcourts Building
88 Division Street, Riccarton
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